爱心幼稚园 ( 东甲 ) Tadika Aisin


 爱心幼稚园 ( 马六甲总院 )
19, Jalan Zahir 9, Taman Malim Jaya
75250 Melaka

GPS Coordinate :
E 102° 13' 56.6'' , N 2° 14' 33.1''

Tel / Fax: 06 - 336 8358

( 双溪中落 )
1, Jalan Mawar 1, Taman Mawar, Sungai Sendok, 84400 Ledang, Johor.

Tel: 06 - 9755722 / 012 - 6889768

爱心幼稚园 ( 东甲 )
LC 433, Taman Sentosa,           
Jalan Payamas, Tangkak, Johor.

Tel: 06 – 9791315 / 012 - 6889768

爱心托儿所 ( 东甲 )
LC 381, Taman Sentosa,           
Jalan Payamas, Tangkak, Johor.

Tel: 06 – 9783272 / 012 – 6889768

Working Hour 时间 :
Monday ~ Friday
Half day : 8.00 am ~ 12.00 pm
Full day : 8.00 am ~ 5.00 pm



本园提供全人学术教育, 当中包括生活教育, 环境教育, 探索教育, 资讯教育,才艺教育等.

本园的教育理念, 非仅是培育学生的学识教育, 更注重于完善人格的培养, 本园将在未来加入更多的生活教育及学生的日常托管作息.

学生每天必须自行收拾床单, 每月将一次自行清洗餐具, 清理课室, 同时进行讲演训练等.

本园将确保培育学生更优秀的品德修养, 文化认知, 社会意识等, 以便将来成为积极自信, 关爱社群, 有诚心, 有责任的社会栋梁.

Tadika Aisin is applying “ Holistic Education “. Education is not only the academic, it also included Life Education, Environmental Education, Experiential Education, Information Education, Artistic Education and etc.

The version of Tadika Aisin, not only educated children in their academic, we are also concern about the whole ( Physically & Psychologically ) personal growth of a child. Therefore, we will teach our students more life skills in the kindergarten.

Students must prepare and keep their mattress themselves. Classroom cleaning, Dishes cleaning and Public Speaking will be trained once a month.

The purpose of Holistic education is to prepare the children to meet the challenges of living as well as academics. Holistic education believes it is important for children to learn about themselves, healthy relationships and pro – social behavior, social development, emotional development and etc.

aisin 院长


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© Copyright 2013-2016. 
爱心幼稚园 ( 东甲 ) Tadika Aisin. All rights reserved. 
Tadika Aisin is applying “ Holistic Education “. Education is not only the academic, it also included Life Education, Environmental Education, 
Experiential Education, Information Education, Artistic Education and etc.

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